Public Teaching on Interdependence
Buddhist Teaching on the 12 Links of Interdependent Origination
with Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche
July 1st, 2018 at First United Methodist Church in Wenatchee
This teaching is a Buddhist explanation of cause and effect, the way things originate and how they depend upon each other. This is an analysis on how suffering unfolds, and its reverse process, its resolution. From the twelve links we can see how the wheel of cyclic existence (samsara) is perpetuated, from the first step of ignorance onward until death. Through awareness of the chain of cause and effect, each link can be loosened, until it completely falls apart and the mind is freed.
Interdependence accounts for all appearances of the outer universe and beings and is also the reason for our mind’s happiness and suffering. Basically, it is the operating system for everything. If we understand interdependence, we will know what to do to produce happiness and what not to do in order to eliminate suffering. This is why it is the best knowledge to have.
Understanding the Twelve Links of Interdependence is also important as it explains what happens during the death and dying process and beyond. Khentrul Rinpoche will include teachings on death and dying and likewise advice on what we can do during those times.
Anyone is welcome to come to these teachings. 10am-5pm with lunch break. Suggested donation: $50.00 (no one will be turned away for lack of funds). Registration not required. For more information: Karen (509)687-1911 (h) (509)433-1107 (c) or Sharon (509)670-0883.
This public teaching is offered by Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche (, who was born in eastern Tibet and is the abbot of Mardo Tashi Choling Monastery. After taking monastic ordination, Rinpoche studied and practiced under his root guru, His Holiness Jigmé Puntsok Rinpoche, and with H.H. Penor Rinpoche. He received the degree of khenpo (equivalent to a Ph.D.) from three monasteries. During that time, Rinpoche also spent three years in retreat.